How to buy Stellar Lumens (XLM) coins step by step guide.

                                               Stellar Lumens logo
                                                                  Current price per coin: $0.138515

How to buy Stellar Lumens:

1=> First we need to set up a wallet to store the Stellar Lumens coins you're about to buy.
We're going to assume you're working on a desktop/laptop and so will use a desktop wallet (other wallet options available here if not).
Go to the Stellar Wallet Github. This is where this open source project posts their latest wallet installation files.
Choose the download that works for your computer.

2=>Unzip the downloaded files and place the folder somewhere safe and handy- for example, your desktop.
Run the wallet executable file (on windows it's called StellarWallet.exe).
Your wallet will open.

3=>Click 'Create New Account'.
Then 'Create Empty Account'.
You will asked to name and save your new wallet file. Give it an obvious name, for example 'my_stellar_wallet'.
Click save.

4=>Now you need to enter a password to encrypt your wallet file.
Enter a password that would be hard to guess (but which you won't forget!).
Note: if you forget this password you could lose access to your coins.
Press 'Encrypt'.
Your new wallet file will now be saved, as whatever name you gave it. Go find it and back it up somewhere safe and private- because if in the future you lose or delete this file you lose access to your wallet and coins.

5=>You're now given your new Stellar wallet address. Copy this down somewhere safe as we'll need it soon.
You're also given a Secret Key to your wallet. This allows anyone to open your wallet without knowing the password.
Copy this Secret Key down and keep it somewhere private and safe.
Once you've saved your Key, click 'Yes, I saved my secret key'.

6=>Now we'll purchase the popular cryptocurrency Bitcoin, so that we can exchange it for Stellar Lumens (if you already own Bitcoin you can skip ahead).
Choose which Bitcoin exchange you'd like to use (by clicking on the logo), and the guide will continue:


  • Worldwide coverage, 99% of countries.
  • Accepts debit & credit cards and bank transfers.
  • High initial buy limits compared to other exchanges.
  • ID verification required.

Thats all Thanks.Hope you find this article helpful.


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